Donate Funds

The number of guests Laurence’s Larder supports has tripled in the past 18 months. Your financial donation would mean we can continue to keep our vital services running.

Donating Money

Demand for our services is constantly rising. It is only through the generosity of our donors that we can deliver the food aid, advice services and welcome respite from social isolation that our community desperately needs.   

While donations of goods and your time are greatly appreciated, donations of money are urgently needed, as it gives us the flexibility to pay for the things that we really need at that time, and enables us to purchase goods and services that some funders do not cover.

You can make your donations more meaningful and efficient by:

  • Donating regularly: whilst one-off donations are welcome, a small but regular donation can add up to make a big difference over a year or more.
  • Enabling Gift Aid on your donations: if you are a UK tax payer please select Gift Aid when donating and the Government will give us an extra 25%, at no extra cost to you.

Your Donation Means…

  • £20

    Just £20 can help us support a guest with a month’s worth of food bags.

  • £50

    This will provide food bags for an entire family for a month.

  • £120

    £120 would provide essential toiletries for all food bank guests for a week.

All online donations are handled by our donation platform Good Hub. If you would prefer to donate via Bank Transfer or Cheque rather than through Good Hub - please get in touch.

Your Donation Helps People Like These

“I have five children and with the cost of living crisis it’s impossible to keep on top of bills and make sure they’re all well fed. In the holidays when they’re home from school it’s so stressful. Laurence’s Larder is a life saver for me, the staff are kind and really considerate about giving me food that my children will actually eat. They often have treats for them too, which I just can’t afford anymore”

- Anonymous

“I like coming to the Larder to see my friends, in the winter it was nice to know there was somewhere warm I could go and sit and read the paper. My pension doesn’t stretch very far, I thought I would feel embarrassed coming to collect a food parcel, but I’ve never felt like that once here”

- Julie



We welcome groups and individuals organising fundraising initiatives which benefit us. If you are thinking of organising a fundraising initiative then please contact us beforehand, so that we can assist you.


Corporate Donors

The financial help we need can be provided by companies, not just individuals – perhaps you run one, know someone who owns and / or runs one, or maybe it’s your current employer?

There are many ways to become a corporate donor, such as adding a small donation onto your customers’ payment for goods or meals, nominating us as your company’s charity for the year or for a sports event, or holding a fundraiser for us – this can benefit your company’s reputation and productivity. And if you would like to make a financial donation on behalf of your company, there are also tax benefits, as well.

Or find out more about all the other ways your company can support us, by donating goods, volunteering your time, and more.


Legacies & Bequests

Laurence’s Larder would very much welcome any bequests (gifts of high value) or legacies (gifts of money), whether large or small, that you may wish to leave us in your will, to help us keep our services running.

Please remember us in your will - please include our charity no: 1185983.

If you would like to discuss the possibility of leaving us a legacy or bequest, please get in touch.


Funding Organisations

Like all charities, we are always keen to identify new funders (government, grant making trusts and foundations etc.). We work in partnership to help achieve their objectives where those align with ours.

We regularly apply to a range of grant making organisations – but there are many that we don’t have the time and resources to apply to, but whom we would still welcome the opportunity to work with. If you are a funder seeking partnerships with a dynamic, creative food aid charity, we would love to hear from you.

Other Ways to Help

Thank you for thinking of us and for looking at the various ways you might be able to help us.

The list of ways in which you might be able to help us is not exhaustive. If you have other ideas please get in touch – we would love to have an exploratory conversation with you.

More Ways to Get Involved

We are always on the lookout for volunteers in a range of roles

We urgently need donations of food, toiletries & clothing